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Supporting appealmobile on his world travels

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

The Incredible Lalli Singh and his Royal Enfields

I have done my research as to the legalities of buying a bike in Mumbai and discovered the Indian government has over the years made it difficult for foreigners to buy a bike there, which will result in difficulties in selling it too, I would imagine.

Firstly I need to be a resident or have a permanent address. I searched and found several blogs of people, who have worked their way around this and one in particular, was of a Belgian couple who bought a Royal Enfield in Dehli. read here

I discovered that they bought the bike and sold it back to a Lalli Singh, who not only has a workshop there, but has a world wide reputation for quality and honesty. Unfortunately he only deals in Royal Enfields, which really is a bit big for my budget. Becuse I intend to sell the bike I buy for the benefit of Project Mala, I need to sell as near to the project as possible. With that in my mind, I have decided that I should go to Dehli to buy sell and begin and finish the ride. It is still eight hundred kilometres from the project, but near enough for me. I have e-mailed mr Singh and await his response.

In the meantime, I have with the help of an Indian friend living in Germany, found I can travel by train for £12 from Mumbai, in a carriage reserved for tourists. It is a twenty hour journey which I am really excited about making. I am told that there is no quick process in buying and setting off which suits me to the ground and there is a growing sense of wanting to sit it out and save the money for an Enfield at about £600 and really enjoy myself and instead of selling it, raise the two to three hundred pounds that I would receive from its' sale and donate to Project Mala, then ship or ride the bike home.

I have two weeks from arrival to decide which direction I take and then a further week to get myself back to Mumbai to begin the ride.
Excitement is obviously building up and I am like a kid waiting for Christmas.

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